POSTED: August 18 2020


The latest edition of advocate is available to download and read online. This issue features a special HR in lockdown supplement focusing on what employers need to know and do.

The latest advocate updates you on the latest advo news including how advo has managed to not only survive, but thrive, during lockdown.



advo has expanded by bringing into the group Sagegreen HR, giving national coverage for our HR consultancy. By way of an introduction we include the latest ‘blog’ from one of the area Directors.

Our Jamie Tuffield, who heads up the employee benefit team, was interviewed as part of a round-table discussion by corporate adviser magazine, we include a summary of the resulting two articles.

We have two interviews, Neville Koopowitz, CEO of Vitality UK, who outlines a need for a change of mindset when it comes to health and fitness and Steve Lawless from specialist risk provider, Salus.


This edition we have an HR in Lockdown Supplement focussing on a wide variety of topics including mental health, returning to the office, the pros and cons of home working, with some practical advice, hiring during a pandemic and the changing trends. We also take a look at childcare with kids returning to school, flexible working and COVID testing.

You can read the current, and past editions by visiting the advo news pages or by clicking here.

If you would like to know more about how advo is continuing to support clients in these challenging times then, in the first instance, email us on to start a conversation.