POSTED: July 10 2024
HR Essentials: The 100 day Changes

HR Essentials: The 100 day Changes

Now the election is over, and we have a new government, we have seen headline announcements of Labour’s proposal to enhance working people’s lives by increasing worker rights which prior to the election, Labour stated that these plans will be enacted into law within 100 days of gaining power.

Employees have also been promised parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal from their first day of employment. There will no longer be a two-year qualifying service threshold for filing an ordinary unfair dismissal claim at the Employment Tribunal. Proposals also include a significant extension of employment rights, such as banning zero-hours contracts and ‘fire and rehire’ practices, as well as ending “one-sided flexibility” and strengthening trade union rights. Labour has also planned to turn the minimum wage into a real living wage.

The impact of the changes Labour plans to introduce are extensive and the detail of the changes are expected to be released in the near future. The 100 day deadline, when these changes are expected to be enacted takes us to 12 October 2024!

The changes are significant and affect almost every aspect of current employment legislation.

The rapid action from the government will require businesses to be up to speed with all of the changes to avoid risk. Contracts, Employee Handbooks, policies and procedures will require review and change to reflect the new legislation.

At this transitional time, the value of expert HR guidance and pragmatic, commercial advice will be paramount in supporting businesses to navigate the new employee rights and reduce the risk of costly litigation.

If you had considered engaging expert HR support, it has never been so important as now. Please contact the HR team at advo-one who will assist you in navigating the fundamental changes to employment law.