POSTED: February 17 2025
Your Payroll: Changes, they're Coming Soon
HMRC Changes

Your Payroll: Changes; they’re Coming Soon

Caroline Jackson, Advo’s Payroll manager, highlights a number of upcoming payroll changes that will be coming over the hill that will need to be implemented with the new tax year. We will update you fully on this next month.

It only seems like yesterday in the world of payroll that we were making sure all our clients and their employees got paid in time for Christmas, and now we are looking ahead to a new tax year!

Your dedicated Payroll Advisors have already received several emails and requests to help understand the upcoming changes effective April 2025.  Please if you have any questions make contact and ask; the team are not just there to process your payroll they are also there to advise and support.  All of the team are up to date with the changes and will ensure that your payroll is compliance for 2025/2026 to take the stress away from you, our client.

So, what lies ahead……

  • Changes to National Insurance Rates
  • Employment Allowance eligibility criteria has been updated
  • Changes to Statutory Sick Pay and Statutory Parental Pay
  • Salary Sacrifice Schemes. These will possibility see an increase in popularity to offset the increase in Employers NIC
  • The National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage

We will explain all the above in greater detail, and their impact, next month as we move towards Spring and a new tax year.