Happy Anniversary! One year from lockdown

Today marks the anniversary of the UK’s first national lockdown which started following our Prime Minister’s ‘Stay at Home’ speech. Over the last year it seems many people have re-evaluated what is important in their lives, as according to a new survey...

Become a Living Wage Employer

We are all familiar with the terms National Minimum Wage (NMW) which is the Government minimum for under 25’s (under 23’s from April 2021) and the National Living Wage (NLW) which is the Government minimum for over 25’s (over 23’s from April 2021). So what is the...

INTO 2021: An HR Update

advo hr’s Alison Gill outlines the latest rules, changes and wider responsibilities for employers as we move into 2021.   “Firstly, we would like to wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year! As we entered day five of 2021 yet more challenges greet us as...

Boundaries between work and home becoming increasingly blurred

More than half of UK employees agree that the boundaries between their work and home life are becoming increasingly blurred, according to the latest research. Aviva’s new report1 – ‘Embracing the Age of Ambiguity’ – explores the impact that ambiguity is...

Coronavirus – The impact on group insurance

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to dominate headlines the question many advisers and clients are asking is whether their group health and risk policies are affected and whether they still provide adequate protection. Canada Life, one of the UK’s...