There is an expectation that because of higher wages London would come out on top, but the reverse is true with workers in Aberdeen, Hull and Edinburgh the richest. According to CV-Library’s research, professionals working in Aberdeen, Hull and Edinburgh are...
The The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) has outlined new advice on how to start to turn poor management around. We are entering a new age of business leadership and management, and it is therefore imperative that we build a cadre of future leaders...
“Time for businesses to take a stand against sexual harassment experienced by the LGBT+ community”, says the CIPD in response to the TUC’s report on harassment against the LGBT+ community at work. The report was commissioned as the TUC who wanted to understand LGBT...
More than a third of employees believe there is age discrimination in their workplace with half of employees aged 60+ not ready to retire. The majority feel they share invaluable skills, experience and knowledge with colleagues – but not valued by their employer. More...
Many senior leaders in British and Irish SMEs struggle to maintain a healthy work/life balance and never switch off from work, according to the latest Close Brothers Business Barometer research. More than two fifths (45%) of all senior managers say that they feel...