Following Europe’s Lead: The Right to Disconnect

We are always on the lookout, and to support new talent. Maddie Prole, working in our Client Services looks at European legalisation likely to impact UK businesses around the rights of employees to disconnect from work, when not at work. In the new governments, Plan...

HR Essentials: Workplace Sexual Harassment

Advo HR specialist Sam Brown, highlights the ongoing the curse of sexual harassment in the workplace which has added focus with an upcoming change in legislation. The #MeToo movement and cases over sexual harassment allegations against high profile employers such as...

HR ESSENTIALS: Civil Disturbances & Employee Safety

Advo HR Manager, Jenni Welch gives advice on how to manage your business during civil disturbances.  As you will have seen and heard in the news, there has been some recent unrest affecting communities across the country. There are opposing views, and this may...

Flexible Working: There are Changes

The new academic year is almost upon us and at this time we often see an influx of requests for changes to working arrangements to accommodate working parents who may be thinking about childcare and students whose timetable may have changed. These flexible working...