POSTED: August 12 2024
Civil Disturbances & Your Employees' Safety

HR ESSENTIALS: Civil Disturbances & Employee Safety

Advo HR Manager, Jenni Welch gives advice on how to manage your business during civil disturbances. 

As you will have seen and heard in the news, there has been some recent unrest affecting communities across the country. There are opposing views, and this may continue.

At  Advo, we have received a number of questions about this situation as these events appear to have caused some concern for employees.

The safety and well-being of your employees are of utmost importance.  As an employer, you are obliged to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all of your employees.

At this time, we do now know if there will be further unrest and in order to address any issues that may arise, you may wish to consider a number of points.

If your workplace is in an area where there has been some unrest, if you are able to, you may wish to consider the temporary closure of the place of work. Where it is possible, and practicable for your business, employees could work from home, or you could grant annual leave or unpaid leave.

If there is any information about any demonstrations or predicted targeted areas, near your work location or within the commuting locality, please also consider to a short term change hours of work, or other working arrangements, in order that employees do not have to travel to or from the workplace, where there may be groups of protestors.

Some employees may also no longer wish to send their children to holiday clubs etc. and may struggle to find alternative childcare.

This unrest has resulted in a number of workplace concerns and some employees may make last minute requests for annual leave, unpaid leave or unpaid emergency time off for dependants. It is suggested that every effort is made to accommodate such request as if any employee is worried, it is likely that work performance may be affected, or the employee may go sick.

The ongoing protests support opposing views and whilst one should never infringe on any individuals views, it is recognised that debates within the workplace may cause friction and any comments could be regarded as discrimination and harassment. It is therefore recommended that any inflammatory comments, whatever the view are dealt with and halted immediately by the manager. It is also recommended that if any particular views are circulated via any workplace medium or WhatsApp, that this is dealt with immediately.

If you have an Employee Assistance Programme, a 24/7 confidential helpline is usually available, and any employee who is worried or concerned may benefit from speaking to a trained professional about any worries. Advo would also recommend that employers offer this service and if you would like further information, please do contact us.

This is not about political views but protecting the mental, emotional and wellbeing of your employees and your business.


Jenni Welch, Advo HR Manager