This article will focus on outsourcing payroll processes in line with the release of the 2021 Payroll Outsourcing Trends study. In addition to payroll, advo can also assist with human resources support and employee benefit policies.
With the return-to-work looming and record increases in the number of employees on payroll, there is greater pressure than ever on people management. It may be that you can free up valuable time in your organisation by outsourcing some of your processes.
SMEs are often time-poor and it may seem quicker to ‘just get the job done’. Ahead of the gradual return to work, now is an ideal time to assess your processes and establish what you should be doing, and what you could be outsourcing.
The 2021 Payroll Outsourcing Trends study found 68% of accountants say outsourcing to a specialist payroll provider has freed up time to invest elsewhere. At advo, we regularly hear from our clients that they wish they’d outsourced their payroll sooner.
Outsourcing your payroll to an HMRC, RTI and auto-enrolment compliant specialist, like advo, delivers cost and perhaps more importantly, time savings. It also provides access to payroll experts, who simplify the process, taking responsibility for both compliance and efficiency.
And what’s more – as a business based in the UK, we’re in exactly the same position as you as we begin the return to work – so we completely understand what you’re going through. If you’re looking to outsource your payroll and make more time for your business, get in touch with advo today.